Create Make Decorate with Nikki

Canvas Christmas Tree Sign

I’ve got another budget friendly Christmas Craft to share with you. Honestly, this is about as simple as any craft can get. If you have some scrap pieces of ribbon in your craft stash, you are going to need to grab them. This is the moment they have been waiting for…LOL. I’m about to show you a fun and creative way to use them to make a Canvas Christmas Tree Sign.

This is a craft that you can customize to your liking and color scheme for Christmas. Plug in your glue guns and let’s get started!

Here is what you will need to make your Canvas Christmas Tree Sign:

  • Dollar Tree canvas (any size that you like)
  • Wood stick
  • Ribbon of your choice
  • Paint
  • Glue gun
  • Jute
  • Wood beads

For the first step, take a few different pieces of ribbon and cut them different sizes to form the shape of a tree.

For this project, I did a reverse canvas technique. To do this, grab a blade and cut around the outer parts of the staples and remove the canvas from the frame. Don’t worry about removing the staples, as you will be covering them up.

Go ahead a cut the canvas to the exact size of the wood frame. Next, take the canvas and glue it onto the back of the frame….right over the staples. When you flip it over you have a little framed canvas. Pretty easy, right?

I went ahead a painted the frame white.

Take your different pieces of ribbon and glue them onto the canvas into the shape of a Christmas Tree.

To create a hanger, I strung some wood beads onto some jute and hot glued it to the back of the picture.

I added some pompom ribbon to it and a stick for the trunk and that’s it! I told you that this was about as easy as any craft could get and I wasn’t lying! LOL Tell me what you think and if you will try to make your Canvas Christmas Tree Sign.

Be sure to join in on the fun over on Facebook and YouTube, where I have a ton of diy videos to share!!!


Did you like this craft? Here are some other diy’s you might enjoy.

As always…. Happy Creating!

Nikki ❤️