Create Make Decorate with Nikki

Summer vignette with greenery, yellow flowers, lemons sitting in a riser tray on top of white books.

Summer Vignette

If you have been following me for any amount of time, you know that I love decorating on a budget. It’s super fun to go shopping at all the stores and filling your cart with new stuff for the season, but there is nothing wrong with shopping around your own home. Taking items from different areas and rearranging them in a new way makes them feel new again. I’m going to show you how I created this beautiful Summer Vignette with things that I already had on hand.

The items that I am using are either Thrift Store finds, ones that I’ve made or ones that I’ve bought for very cheap. It’s all about decorating on a budget, friends! You do not have to spend a ton of money to have a beautiful home.

My entry table is one that I always decorate. It’s one of the first pieces that you see when you walk through my front door. What I love about this table is that it was free! Thank goodness for friends that are moving and know that you love to paint furniture!

I am loving the lemon decor this year, so much so that I even decorated my mantel in lemons. I love how the bright pops of yellow are so cheery and bright.

Adding different levels of height to vignettes is something that I love to do and books are great to use to achieve that.

Faux lemons nestled into spanish moss in a Dollar Tree pail, add extra height when placed on a Farmhouse Riser. The books are from the Thrift Store. I painted and distressed the outside of them to tie them into my decor.

Greenery is always a must when decorating a vignette. It adds a different layer of texture and I think it helps to “soften” things up a bit.

Candle holders aren’t just for candles! I like to place whatever I can on top of them to add some height and create statement pieces. In this case, these birdcages worked perfect! I added some battery operated candles and some greenery to dress them up.

Ross is definitely one of my “go to” places to shop for home decor. I bought the lemon trays, little bird statue and the No. 2 baskets over there quite some time ago. The terra cotta pots are from Targets Dollar Spot.

Here it is in all it’s glory! It’s a small space, but gives a huge impact. It’s a warm welcome for guests when they enter our home.

I encourage you to shop around your home if you are thinking of creating a Summer vignette of your own. You will be amazed at how moving things around a bit, will make you feel as if you just went on a shopping spree. What’s better than that is that you didn’t have to spend a dime!

Be sure to PIN for later for some inspiration!!!

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For more inspiration, take a look at these other Diy’s:

Happy Creating!

Nikki ❤️