Create Make Decorate with Nikki

a dollar tree rag wreath using fabric strips looped around a wire wreath form.

Dollar Tree Rag Wreath

Let me start off by saying that I do not claim to be a professional wreath maker at all! LOL I will also tell you that I do not like to sew. If you are like me…trust me when I say that you can totally make this project! It requires no sewing skills and not even a glue gun. Now I don’t know about you, but that’s my kind of project! This Dollar Tree Rag Wreath is super easy to make and you can make it literally in less than 30 minutes. How does that sound?

Here is what you will need:

  • Dollar Tree wire welcome wreath form
  • 1 roll of Fabric strips ( I purchased mine from JoAnns)

Let’s get started!

measuring fabric strip to 10 inches to make a dollar tree rag wreath.

Step 1: Begin by cutting the fabric strips to your desired length. I cut mine to about 10 inches.

Step 2: I will do my best to explain this part! Take your fabric strip and fold it in half and place it under your wreath form as shown above.

Taking a fabric strip and looping it around a wire wreath form

Step 3: Take the middle part of the strip and grab it with your fingers.

Step 4: Next, grab the ends of the strip and pull them through the center of the opening that you have created.

looping a piece of fabric around a wire wreath

Step 5: Simply pull the end tightly through the loop.

That’s it! You will repeat this whole process around the wreath form.

looping fabric strips around a wire wreath form

I will add that you want to make sure your fabric strips are close together. You do not want to have any gaps along the way. The more that you can get on, the better it looks.

Alternating different colors and patterns as you go makes it that much prettier.

a dollar tree rag wreath using fabric strips looped around a wire wreath form.
a dollar tree rag wreath using fabric strips looped around a wire wreath form.


If you are someone that learns better by watching a video, you can watch this whole project here.

I would love for you to follow me on Facebook! I do a ton of craft videos there too!

Hey friend…if you enjoyed this Dollar Tree craft, here a few others that you might like.

I hope this project has inspired you to make a dollar tree rag wreath of your own. Please leave a comment and let me know if you will be making one too!

Happy Creating!

Nikki ❤️