Create Make Decorate with Nikki

Dollar Tree Mummy Wreath

I am a sucker for Halloween decorations. I just can’t help myself. I don’t know where this obsession came from, but I SERIOUSLY cannot get enough of it! After all, it is pretty much my favorite Holiday next to Christmas. What about you?

The other day while I was strolling through JoAnns, I came across the cutest mummy and it got me thinking. I never have thought to use mummies in my decor. I guess I never really thought of it and really, I haven’t seen anything cute enough to buy. You know how the saying goes, “if you can’t find it, make it.” Honestly, I just made that one up. But, it’s true right?

I found some creepy cloth and a wire wreath from The Dollar Tree and decided to make a cute, little mummy wreath. This little guy is so simple and so darn cute!

Here is what you will need to make it:

  • Wire wreath
  • Creepy cloth. I used gray and white.
  • Giant eyes
  • Glue gun
  • white and black paint
  • spider embellishments

First, I started by just simply wrapping the creepy cloth all around the wire wreath form. I tied it with a knot and secured it with hot glue.

Next, I grabbed the eyes and painted them black.

I then grabbed the gray creepy cloth and wrapped it around the wire wreath in the center, covering up the middle. This is where I will place the eyes.

Once I got enough of a base with the creepy cloth, I flipped the wreath over and glued the eyes on.

This is what it will look like when you flip it back over.

After looking at it for a few, I thought something looked a little weird. I realized that it was the eyes. The black eyes just didn’t look right. So, I took them out and painted them white.

So much better! How cute is this little guy?

What a fun and easy project this was. What do you think? Is this something that you will try? I’d love for you to leave a comment and let me know. PLEASE SHARE it with your friends on on your SOCIAL MEDIA. I would greatly appreciate it!


Happy Creating!
