Today I am going to show you how to make a beautiful Christmas ornament. If you love sheet music crafts, this will be right up your alley. These DIY vintage Christmas ornaments are a little bit of shabby mixed with elegance. Which is a perfect combination for me!
I’ve decided this year that I am going to decorate my dining room area in all neutral colors. I want to create a beautiful and classic look using whites and creams. My vision is a White Christmas Wonderland with a touch of shabby. For this craft you will need a few supplies, most of which you can find over at the Dollar Tree.
Here is what you will need to make a Diy Vintage Christmas Ornament
- Plastic round ornament
- mod podge
- scrapbook paper or printable
- glitter
- jute and ribbon
- embellishments

To get started, I ripped the paper into strips. This makes it easier to apply over the round surface. The raw edges of the paper make it look softer, blends better and it adds a touch of the weathered look to it.

Next, I painted the mod podge onto the ornament. I worked in small sections, using one strip at a time. I overlapped the pieces of the paper slightly as I went along. It will take roughly 2 pieces of paper to make this ornament.
I printed my paper off google images. There are a lot that you can choose from there. Please make sure that you are using a FREE printable and not a COPYRIGHTED one.

With the round surface, I found it impossible not to get wrinkles. I personally don’t mind the wrinkles as it just adds to the old, shabby and vintage feel that I was trying to achieve.

Sprinkle glitter onto the ornament while the mod podge was still wet.

Using a silver glitter, I did the same to the top piece of the ornament.

If you haven’t been to Walmart lately, I suggest that you go check out their Christmas stuff this year. They are putting out some beautiful decorations! I grabbed these mini ornaments from there. They are great embellishments to use for crafts and to add a special touch to your gift wrapping.

I just simply tied some jute around the top of the ornament and tied on the mini ornament.

If you can’t find the mini ornaments, no problem! Get creative with what you have on hand. For this one, I took a piece of paper and stained it with an antique glaze. Next, I grabbed some jewel embellishments and glued them on. Using my stamp kit, I added the words.

I really love how these Diy Vintage Christmas Ornament turned out. You can see them here on my Angel Tree. They would be a great gift idea for that special someone in your life or for someone who is a musician.
I hope that you have enjoyed this craft and that it inspires you to make some for yourself. Can you please do me a favor and SHARE IT ON FACEBOOK? I would appreciate it!

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Until next time… Happy Creating!