Create Make Decorate with Nikki

Christmas Angel Memoriam Tree

Christmas is definitely a hard time of the year for those of us that have lost a loved one. For me, it’s especially hard after losing my mom. This year marks my 6th year without her here and it never gets easier. My mom loved Christmas and she always made it so special.

I do my best to continue the traditions that she instilled in us, but she created some hard shoes to fill.

My mom LOVED angels. I mean, let me tell you that there was not a room in her house that didn’t have an angel of some kind in it. So, it only seemed fitting to me to dedicate an Angel Tree in memory of her.

The year 2014 was a tough one for my husband and me. Our mothers were both diagnosed with cancer. My mom lost her battle first and shortly after, so did my mother in law. This tree honors each of our beautiful mothers’ legacy and memory.

Each year I add more angel ornaments to the tree. I buy at least two of each. My mom played the piano and I created this beautiful sheet music ornament as another way to honor her memory. You can see how I made it here:

I found this beautiful little church ornament over at the Dollar Tree one year. My mother in law was a devout Christian woman and this represents her memory. Also, the angel ornament above that says “hope” is one that she made for us the year that she passed away.

I found this angel over at Hobby Lobby and it made the perfect topper for the tree.

I truly believe that our Momma’s are our guardian angels and this little ornament is a perfect reminder of that.

This is my 6th year putting up this tree. I will admit that each time I decorate it, I cry a little. I miss them both so much. But, this tree also gives me such a sense of peace. I know that they both would LOVE this tree and would be so honored to know that it’s in their memory. While, I would give anything for them to be here, I know where they are is so much more special.

I would love to know if you decorate a tree in memory of someone special.

If you don’t, then I hope this has inspired you too. Trust me that it will give you peace and make your heart happy each time you that you do. You will cry a little. A little for the loss, a little for the memories and a little for the thought of knowing that they are no longer here in the flesh, but they are here in spirit. I’m sure that there will never be a time that I won’t cry, but the joy and smile it brings to my heart is worth it.

If this has inspired you, please share it with someone to inspire them too!


Thank you for allowing me to share a little piece of my heart with you.

Merry Christmas to you all and God Bless!

Nikki ❤️